Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dubstep even Nathan might like.

This track has an interesting vibe to it. There's some pretty sweet bassy sections, but I really like the underlying keys.



  1. No dice, Sam. I simply don't like your green eggs with ham.

    The word "random" is often incorrectly and over-used, but "random" is how I would describe the electronic effects in Dubstep. It's like there's a guy just sitting at a soundboard turning dials and pressing buttons arbitrarily. It reminds me of the stupid slap guitar in *August Rush*, only that sounded a bit better than Dubstep.

    I'm sorry if I seem excessively harsh on Dubstep, but I know you can take it. ;)

  2. hmmmmmm, well I'd say the parts with the piano behind the drums/bass are spectacular...but I'd have to agree with Nate in saying that when it goes to those sections with the voice-sounding thing going "ya ya ya ya" and the ginormous bass drops things get a bit hectic.

    Nate (and Jacob) check this out and tell me what you think. It can still be categorized as dubstep, but is a lot less...heavy-hitting:

  3. scratch that use this link:

  4. I like it Brad... More coherent and less random.

  5. I can't deny that this song (the original one) is catchy. But the more I listen to it, the more unnecessary the swooping bass drops seem. Perhaps that's simply the genre's limitations (or benefits, depending on your idea of the style). Those sections just come out of nowhere and devour the melody established by the keys early in the track.

  6. I think your song may fall into the mellowstep category, Brad. I find it drastically less interesting, because, as you alluded to, the benefit of the dubstep genre is the swooping bass drops.

    However, I will say that it makes sense to me not to like dubstep. Unlike metal, I find dubstep very hard to defend. If you don't like crazy bass/ cool electronic effects, I don't think it really has much more to offer.

  7. "mellowstep" lol

    oh genre classifications.

    The crazy bass/cool electronic effects get quite tiresome for me, I'd say that's what I don't like about dubstep. Also, listening to it reminds me of sitting in my brother's car (complete w/ giant subwoofers) with dubstep blaring and my head shaking perilously every time a bass drop hit.

    And I like the song I posted because of the intricacies and subtleties - which I think make it drastically more interesting ;)
